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If you're already an established patient, you've been through a lot of safety standard changes with me over the last two years. Thank you for helping me keep our most vulnerable patients safe. 

I am again able to take new patients! If you are interested in becoming a new patient, please call or email me. 


  • I'm limiting the number of patients I see in a day, and per week. This may change week to week, depending on covid infection rates, and other things, like perhaps a simple cold that may be going around. This helps me manage how many people are coming and going; it's easier to keep track of possible risks. 

  • I wear either a KN-95, N-95 mask. The masks protect the other person more than they protect the wearer. They work by trapping the droplets in the the air we exhale. When I wear my masks, I'm thinking of you. 

  • The office is deep cleaned nightly. When I'm working, the treatment room is wiped down after every patient. All touched surfaces, all items used (literally), door handles, everything. I also air the room between patients. 

  • I'm running HEPA air purifiers with ionizers and virus filters in the office. The window is open also. I can't have that cozy, fuzzy blanket any more, so bring your favorite warm and cozies for the winter weather.   

  • Card payments are now touchless. Checks and cash are still accepted. My card payment system will record your card information, security protected (not even I can access your card number once I enter it), for future visits. 


In order to make sure I keep you, myself, and our families safe:

  • Reschedule your appointment if you or a household member are sick, whether it's COVID related or not. 

  • Masks are still required in healthcare settings, regardless of local ordinances, and must be worn during the entire appointment, even if you're vaccinated. Update January 2022: KN-95 or N-95 masks required. New update May 2022: paper surgical masks are ok. 

  • Come to your appointment on time. The waiting area at the Santa Monica office is now open. There is no waiting area at the Long Beach office; please plan accordingly during hot weather and simply arrive at your appointment time. Late arrivals may need to be rescheduled due to the time needed to clean between appointments. 

  • Do not bring additional people to your appointment. If you have someone with you, I ask that they wait outside the office.

  • Wash your hands upon arrival or use hand sanitizer.  I have hand sanitizer for you to use.

  • You'll be sent a pre-appointment questionnaire. Please fill it out and please be honest. It will help me coordinate possible schedule changes for my most vulnerable patients. 

  • Thank you for helping our most vulnerable community members feel safe and supported!


Long Beach and Santa Monica, CA

Mailing address: 1639 11th Street, Ste B203, Santa Monica, CA 90404

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©2017-2024 MARY Z. MCCULLOUGH, L.AC..

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