Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
specializing in
Classical5element Group- CFEA Acupuncturists only
Welcome to the Classical Five Element Acupuncturists group! You can ask questions, present difficult cases, connect with other members, get updates and share resources.
To become a member, email Mary at and give your first and last name, your email address, where you trained (both before Five Element and where you learned CFEA), where you're licensed and practice, and how long you've been practicing CFEA. Then describe why you want to join this group!
- We are not here to show off
- We are humble in joining
- We recognize that we all have talents, and we all have blind spots in seeing ourselves. We're here to be kind and compassionate with one another.
- We aren't marketing ourselves or others
- We come to find help and healing for ourselves, our patients, and our community. this is not a forum to figure out difficult cases with patients/clients.
- While we come to share our challenges and our hope to share solutions, we also understand that the truest path to helping our patients and clients is to help ourselves so that we can be more clear, more curious, more honest, more accepting, more loving and more open to possibilities that were once outside of our perception.
- We exchange the words "advice", "opinion", "my take", "what I learned", etc, with "different ways of knowing". Here we share our "different ways of knowing", or DWOK, with each other, rather than try to fix or change each other.
- One rule in summation: Be Kind. This applies to how you treat yourself, group members, your patients and everything else under the stars of this amazing universe.
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
June 27, 2022
Created by